Everyone always has big plans for the year: resolutions, goals and milestones. The Portland Elder Care Council has been busy planning our events for the next year. Here is a list of the topics we plan to cover.
Eligibility requirements for Medicaid
How to evaluate the quality of care in licensed facilities
Estate tax law and other financial differences when moving to OR from out of state
End-of-life topics
How to Rightsize Sentimental Items + Papers
Medicare preparation for open enrollment
We will also be active at several resource fairs throughout the area. So check on our website to see what is scheduled and RSVP for your spot.
We also wanted to provide some updated information regarding updates to Medicaid Payment Increase. The room and board rate for 2024 is $733; effective January 1, 2024. Please keep in mind that these rates can change periodically and it is always wise to consult Oregon DHS. You can submit any questions to ODHS at APD.AFHTeam@odhs.oregon.gov.
There are also new maximum benefit amounts for Veterans Aid and Attendance. If you would like details on these increases for 2024, please write to us at admin@portlandeldercarecouncil.com