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  • Writer's picturePortland Elder Care Council

PECC June Blog | World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

Today is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD). The purpose of WEAAD is to raise awareness of elder abuse and to encourage people to take action to prevent it. Elder abuse can take many forms, including physical abuse, emotional abuse, financial abuse, neglect, and sexual abuse. Elder abuse is a global problem affecting millions of older adults yearly. Read below for more information.

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

June 15, 2023, is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD). Elder abuse is a significant concern affecting older adults worldwide, and Oregon is no exception.

It is estimated that 1 in 10 older adults experience some form of elder abuse. This number is likely much higher as many cases are believed to go unreported. Elder abuse can take various forms, including physical, emotional, sexual, and financial exploitation, neglect, and abandonment. Financial abuse is one of the most common. A study conducted by the National Adult Protective Services Association found that older adults who were victims of financial exploitation suffered an average loss of $30,000. Unfortunately, online sweetheart scams and telephone scams account for a vast majority of these losses, in addition to family members who steal or coerce money from an older person.

The Oregon Department of Human Services (DHS) oversees Adult Protective Services (APS). APS investigates and responds to thousands of reports of elder abuse each year. The reports typically come from concerned family members, friends, caregivers, and professionals working with older adults.

If you suspect abuse, exploitation, or neglect of an older person, please report it. You can call the statewide hotline at 1-855-503-SAFE (7233). The hotline is available around the clock. If you see something, say something!

Contributed by Suzanne Rowe of Summit Fiduciary Services, LLC


Community Events

Summer Social Network Event for Professionals

Wednesday, June 21, 3 pm-5 pm | Laural Parc

Professional networking event for preferred partners.

Rose Elder Law Events & Free Seminars

June Events | Online & In-Person

We offer seminars throughout the Portland Metropolitan area and, on special request, throughout Oregon. Topics we discuss include: Planning for Incapacity, Protecting Your Family in 2023, Estate Planning 101, You Can Afford Long-Term Care, and more. Click the link below for the full calendar and events.

Medicare Plans 2023

Thursday, September 21, 11 am- 12:30 pm | Lake Oswego Senior Center

Come learn about the new Medicare Plans that are available this year before open enrollment.


Thanks for Reading

Let us know if you have any questions or suggestions on topics you would like to see! We would love to hear from you. Don't forget to check out our events page for our next webinar or in-person event.

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